Anyone who spends long periods of time on their feet is prone to developing swollen legs, ankles and feet, resulting in pain and tiredness. In addition, being stationary for any length of time during travel, as well as working in certain positions experienced in many professions and activities, can lead to tired and achy legs, ankles and feet. This is made especially worse where there is a predisposition to circulatory problems in the lower legs.
In order to help with this common problem that affects us all, our circulation needs a boost. An improved blood flow can help relieve the symptoms of tiredness, resulting in legs that stay toned, energised and less swollen.
Graduated compression hosiery (including socks, calf guards, open-toe socks, hold-ups, knee highs, stockings and tights) work by applying pressure, gradually decreasing from the ankle towards the knee or the thigh. They are classified on the basis of the degree of compression (support) provided at the ankle, which is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). Typically, compression hosiery falls in categories ranging from extra light to extra firm support. The actual categories with respect to the level of compression in mm Hg can vary in different countries.
Compression hosiery can be used in two different scenarios. They can either be used for preventative purposes or for treatment. For preventative purposes, they help prevent swelling, fatigue, tiredness, achy legs, ankles and feet. This is particularly important for anyone with a family history or tendency towards venous congestive disease. Individuals in professions requiring long duration of standing on ones feet are predisposed to development of the above symptoms and hence would benefit from preventative compression hosiery. Other examples include people who; work in or travel on long haul flights, are undergoing a surgical operation, are pregnant, or are involved in outdoor and sporting activities.

The aim of milkteds® products is not to provide treatment to help with existing problems in the feet and lower legs associated with poor venous return or venous insufficiency. In particular, those with chronic pain and swelling, previous history of DVT, phlebitis and varicose veins will require formal assessment and intervention by an appropriate physician and relevant compression (often prescription only with higher levels of compression) products. Please see our contraindications below which are also provided with every purchase in our multi-lingual booklet (translated into twenty languages).
Compression hosiery is not recommended in the following circumstances:
Contraindications: Individuals suffering from: Cellulitis, septic phlebitis, phlegmasia coerulea dolens, suspected or proven peripheral arterial occlusive disease, cardiac failure (decompensated heart diseases), diabetics with peripheral arterial disease or peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial bypass grafting, gangrene, peripheral neuropathy or other causes of sensory impairment.
Relative Contraindications: Mild phlebitis, rheumatoid arthritis, any local conditions in which stockings may cause damage, for example fragile ‘tissue paper’ skin, dermatitis or other concomitant dermatoses, recent skin graft, and allergy to natural protein fibres or any of the other materials used in the manufacture (as listed in the composition of this product).
Disclaimer: The information contained in the above paragraphs with regard to contraindications is only a guide and not intended as clinical advice. If you are unsure or worried about the suitability of wearing hosiery with compression please seek professional advice by speaking to an appropriately qualified medical physician. Milkthreads Ltd does not assume liability as a result of any inappropriate or contraindicated use of this product.
Special note: If you notice skin irritation or pain whist wearing this product please remove the product immediately, and if the symptoms persist, please seek medical advice.